Am I Eligible to be Referred as a Refugee in Canada?

Am I Eligible to be Referred as a Refugee in Canada?

Are you a person who needs a protection from a persecution? Do you plan to come to Canada as a refugee? If so, you have to be aware of your eligibility to be a refugee in Canada. In addition,...

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Refugee Immigration (Canada): Potential challenges for refugees in Canada

Refugee Immigration (Canada): Potential challenges for refugees in Canada

Subject: Refugee Immigration Canada The website of Immigration, Citizenship and Refugee Canada (ICRC) states 27,580 Syrian refugees have arrived in Canada. Every day more and more immigrants and refugees are entering Canada from different countries. Those people are seeking protection...

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Refugee Rights in Canada

Refugee Rights in Canada

Subject: Refugee Rights in Canada The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects all people in Canada including refugee rights. Canada provides refugee protection to Convention refugees, refugee claimants, people in need of protection, or persons waiting for the decision...

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