Have you received a client complaint to ICCRC?

Have you received a client complaint to ICCRC?

Issue: Client Complaint to ICCRC

Clients are hiring Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC) hoping to increase their chances of success when submitting their immigration forms to Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Obviously, seeking advice from an authorized immigration service provider gives clients a greater chance for success. However, the level of services you provide is subjective. Even if you did a good job, an unsatisfied client can file a complaint to ICCRC.

The Consequences of Client Complaint to ICCRC

The immediate consequence of  receiving a client complaint to ICCRC will be very stressful and time-consuming. Furthermore, ICCRC after weighing their decision may action a further consequence varying from a reprimand to loss of your license.

After you are notified about the complaint, it is then determined if it will be forwarded to the disciplinary committee. Once it has been forwarded to the disciplinary committee, ICCRC will have legal counsel who will be making the recommendation to ICCRC of what action should be taken. The actions taken depend on the type of complaint and the response you give. It is crucial that you provide timely and appropriate replies at every stage of the investigation process.

Find Best Possible Resolution

Robert Gertler has years of experience in representing RCIC members regarding complaints made against them. By fully understanding the complaint and the regulations of ICCRC, Robert Gertler is able to assist and allow you to continue to focus on your practice.

Word of mouth is crucial in the immigration services industry and the reputation of an immigration consultant in a good standing often plays a key role in acquiring new clients. You may not be able to avoid getting a complaint by ICCRC, however how you deal with it can be crucial.

If you have received a complaint from your regulatory body and you are not sure about what to do, you can discuss your complaint with Robert Gertler. With Mr. Gertler representing you, he will navigate on your behalf through the complaint process to negotiate the best possible resolution giving you peace of mind.


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